I'm not one of those people who eschew technology when I go outdoors. For instance, I always hike with a GPS. I also use other products of technology when I hike, like maps and shoes and sunglasses. I consider adding GPS a matter of degree, and not kind. And anything that increases safety and adds to the fun of something can't be bad. I love looking at where I have been and where I have taken each picture and my trusty Garmin lets me do that. I can show you where we hiked in the Grand Canyon from the first step to the last.
Lately, I also miss not being connected to the Internet when I am in a remote location. It's a whole new social dimension that I have and I don't like being cut off from it. And of course, I like to talk, so I can't wait for cell service to permeate the world. It doesn't mean I love the outdoors or even remoteness or quietness any less.
You can imagine the kind of cell phone signal you get in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan once you leave the freeways. I was only half joking when I proclaimed that I found "THE" cell tower up north as I snapped this picture through the sun roof. It seems that just as you enter the places that you most need to communicate, you are least able to.
I imagine when Zach's generation grows up they'll never be away from technology, even in the deepest of woods or highest of mountains. And it will be as natural for them as wearing shoes is for us.
Sometimes not getting a signal is a good thing!
Having said that, I agree with your general conclusion that technology, be it shoes or a GPS add to the enjoyment of an outdoor experience. I am quite capable of starting a fire without matches but what have I to prove? Anyway, my handy dandy MSR Pocket Rocket Backpacking Stove and a little can of IsoPro fuel are so darn cute!
when we go up to north country, I always bet razzed about the lack of tower power. I, too, enjoy this change of pace. The funniest moment happened when we were up north several years back. For several days, our cells remained quiet. Then we went on an excursion Petoskey and bing, several bars of service. The minute my bars were activated, my sister called me. Jay will never let me forget this moment.
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