Zach went to the neurologist last week and we were told he needs an MRI. The neuro just wants to make sure he really does have Benign Rolandic Epilepsy and not another form. We told Z that the test doesn't hurt and he seems ok with it. He's a trooper. He hasn't complained about anything in this process and I am so proud of him. The doc said he could listen to music during the test and he immediately requested Rammstein.
I was a bit concerned when I did my first MRI. I had displayed some mild claustrophobia at times and was wondering if I would go into a full-blown panic and tear that $10 million machine up like Chris Farley ripping out of a size 32 sport coat. A brain MRI is the worst because you get an RF coil pack right over your face and you go in head first. It's like being inside a very expensive and very noisy coffin. And one of my MRIs involved an additional test that made my tube-surfing time almost two hours!
As it turned out, I did fine. It was actually pretty relaxing. I came to like it after a while, which is good since I ended up with three or four of them when all was said and done.
I know Zach will be fine too, after all, he rode the Raptor with his arms up and no fear in his eye. Tube surfing is easy next to that.
I had a brain MRI once and the doctors didn't find anything.
I had an MRI of my head and it was real easy, especially the three Xanax I scarfed down on the way in.
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