Cedar Point was fun! We all found what we were looking for and everyone had a blast. The kids laughed and ran and generally did everything a kid is supposed to do. We rode coasters, bumped cars, and drank lemonade. And when the day was done, everyone was totally spent.
Zach is a coaster boy, and he was in his element. He didn't ride coasters so much as inhale them. He loved every one and his only regret was that he couldn't ride them all in one day. Here he is showing off his favorite one, Maverick. Heather's favorite, The Raptor, was a close second.
Maverick is quite a ride. After it's 2-1/2 minutes of screaming twists and plummets, Zach's eyes were as big as wagon wheels and his hair was blown back like he had his face in a wind tunnel. And all he could say was:
"That was AWESOME!. Can we go again?"
And to top it off, we stopped at Tony Packo's on the way home for some great food.

Sometimes things just work out also. Just after dinner, and as we got into the car, the sky unleashed a storm that would have made Noah blanched. This + construction + 2 wired kids made for an interesting ride. Spounge Bob is now in counseling (inside joke) All in all a great time, like Cedar Point is supposed to be.
Zach was the coaster maniac! I think he is ready for a day of fun with Ben's cousins and aunt who love Cedar Point-The Roller Coast. Great day, great fun!!!
Let's do the Dragster next year-NOT!
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