As you have no doubt heard by now, the balance of power is about to shift in our house. As it stands now, we are sitting on a precarious, razor-thin line of equilibrium with three on each side. The players are:
Boys: Me, Zach, Jake
Girls: HB, Maddie, Coco
As you can see, evenly matched.
But with yesterday's news, the girls will soon take control of the Wild Senate. Zach and Jake and I will be relegated to scrounging for votes to support man-related programs. Bathroom and closet territory will be lost. Television channels will be changed to girly shows with flowers and hats and never will a Dinosaur or Jedi Knight traipse across our screen again. Think about it: three measly Y chromosomes in the whole place. The X's have it.
You might take this to mean I am unhappy about the news that we are having a girl. You would be wrong.
I am overjoyed. I will love her as much as I ever could love anyone. I will carry her on my back and tickle her and teach her how to play guitar one day. I will help her with math homework and take ten thousand pictures of her. I will push her on the swing and kiss her boo boos. I will take her to the zoo and show her what a lion sounds like. I will teach her the right way to eat an ice cream cone. I will read to her about green eggs and ham and bunnies and princesses and frogs.
And I will kiss her on her little fuzzy head and tell her I love her every day. I will give her everything that is within my power to give her.
Except my remote control. I am a guy, and I need that. :)
Stop it. You're making me cry. (But in a good way. And don't stop it.)
Girls rule no matter the number in the house!!!
Just remember, Y chromosomes are just damaged X's.
As a girl who loved dinosaurs, dreamed of being a Jedi knight, never once wanted to be a princess, eschewed all things pink and flowery and grew up to be an engineer, I take exception to your generalizations. :) But god help you in about 14 years when you have two teenage girls in the house.
Only 10,000 pictures? Getting lazy?
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