June is birthday month in my sphere of peeps. For us there are more birthdays in these 30 glorious sunny days than any other time of the year. I always liked my June birthday. Outside parties in the sun, a well-balanced six months between "big gift" holidays, etc.
We start off June on the 4th with a "Dennis Appointment".
Jack Rocco's birthday invades us on D-Day, June 6th.
My father was born on June 9th, 1917. He was the first cool June person I knew.
Nan remains perpetually younger than me on June 10th.
Yours truly was hatched on a sunny June 12th of ages passed.
And so was my brother-in-law Jerry. We hate sharing, and neither of us will have our birthdays legally changed, so we're kinda stuck with each other :) I have an uncle with the same birthday, but he lives too far away to interfere with my party :)
I have a niece and nephew who share June 16th, so we have one big convergence for Matt and Rachel too.
Lisa's odometer turns over on the 20th, and we wouldn't miss her birthday for anything.
Honorable mention goes to my brother Kevin, who celebrates on July 1st. He was trying for June but slid across the plate just a little bit late.
So, to all you June-Bugs, especially those I've missed, Happy Birthday!!!
1 comment:
Very clever way to remind everyone of your upcoming birthday.
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