I have a dream dinner. A favorite meal. If I am ever executed for a triple homicide, this is what I will request as my last supper, right before they walk me down the hallway to the lethal-injection bed. Since I am not currently planning on going on a killing spree, I request it as my birthday dinner every year instead.
Luscious, sweet King Crab legs, grilled corn on the cob, a minerally Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand, and yellow cake for dessert. And since my birthday is in June, we can usually have it outdoors with Cuban music, which is the best way to enjoy it.
The whole family loved it. Zach ate like he was a starving sea lion, and the rest of us cracked and crunched and picked and scooped until there was nothing left but a pile of cobs and shells and some Cuban music.
What a dinner...and no need to murder three people to get it either...Heatherbaby makes it perfect, right at home for me, every year.
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