This past weekend will forever be memorialized as "Boo-Boo Weekend". Maybe it was the wet slippery weather, maybe it was the fever of spring-time over-playfulness. Whatever the reason, Zach and Maddie each got three or four pretty substantial boo-boos.
Zach fell off a wet picnic table hard onto concrete, got hurt in a "stick war", scraped his leg on a baby gate, and had a few other incidents. Maddie had lots of miscellaneous scratches and bruises, the worst being the result of a face-down fall from the tree circle onto a big plastic truck.
I think I aged five extra years this weekend.
It's all a part of being young, and as I recall I was always very daring as a child. If there was a tree, I would climb it. I jumped from garage roofs, played "bike hockey", and did just about anything else dangerous I could find. So it's no surprise that the kids are fearless explorers. I just don't remember scaring my parents like this. I guess they won't either.
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