We have some friends we get together with a couple times a year for no-holds-barred dinner extravaganzas. They share our love of great food, wine, and conversation, and we had plenty of everything Saturday. From mini beef wellingtons to green olives marinated in lemon and coriander, Pinot Gris to Valpolicella, we indulged in a bacchanalia of locally legendary proportions. Then we went downstairs into the new studio and got some really great pictures of the girls in their dance outfits. Nine hundred and eighty-odd pictures with many wardrobe changes. When we do it, we do it big.
It was a long but fun day, that lasted well into the night. And if if are anything like me, you would think that kind of fun was enough to fill a whole weekend at least. But you'd be wrong. You see, Heatherbaby had still more plans for fun hidden up her skinny sleeve.
You can imaging my surprise when my lovely wife awakened me very early Sunday morning and said she had to go out on a secret mission and would be back later on. It was puzzling, intriguing even. She came back in about an hour with a package she plopped on my lap, and all was revealed.
It was a Nintendo Wii. She had planned to get me one for my birthday, it turns out, and she found one early. Rather than wait the grueling few extra months until my actual birthday, she decided to make me a new "Wii Birthday" on March 9th. Is this chick sweet, or what? Zach almost fell off the couch onto his lower jaw, he was so surprised.
Needless to say, we played and played all day Sunday, swatting tennis balls and virtually bowling and ended up tired, very sore, and wonderfully satisfied. I even had dreams of running over virtual sunny landscapes, my virtual toes happy with the moist feel of virtual grass. We even spent an hour or so creating our virtual selves (which is called a mii, of course)
Another, perhaps inevitable fallout of my Wii birthday was that everything wii said started to take on the double-i suffix. As you can sii, there are manii chances to have a wii bit of fun hiir.
I want to send out a big thank you to my hotsexiibeautiful wife...I'll play ball with you aniitime. :)
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