I never thought I'd grow up to be a coffee drinker. But then again, I am a lot of things I never thought I'd be. It usually takes me about two giant cups of coffee to get through a typical day now. If it's really bad, I might need three, but then the jitters set in and I become volatile, like a nervous squirrel handling nitro glycerin.
I have come to like really good coffee, the kind that I can't get here at work. Back before I was a coffee drinker I got some 100% Kona and even back then I knew it was good stuff. Now I drink the local industrial kitchenette variety, rough and tumble with a finish like licking a rusty fender. But I guess I shouldn't complain, it's hot and carries the requisite load of caffeine I require.
Coffee is a funny thing, isn't it? We take some beans, dry them out and roast them and grind them up and run hot water through them. Then we drink the resulting brown liquid. Who ever dreamed that up? Did they try it first with a range of really nasty and sometimes fatally poisonous beans and seeds, only to decide by default that only coffee did the trick? I'm sure the coffee plant has been bred by humans to be more tolerable over the years, the early, natural varieties were undoubtedly harsher and more primitive. So it must have been one wicked-tired adventurer that first dreamed up that brewing process. I'm sure the rest of the tribe looked at him like he was out of his mind. I'm not so sure he wasn't.
But crazy or not, thanks dude!
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