For my money, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is just about the worst thing a person can be subjected to. It is a neurological disorder that kills your motor neurons, those little cells that allow you to move you muscles. This disease slowly robs of you of your ability to move and eventually, since muscles are required to breathe, your life. It is almost always fatal in 2-5 years. If you can think of a worse way to die than being systematically paralyzed and eventually choking on your saliva, I would like to hear it. No, on second thought, I wouldn't.
Probably the most famous American to have ALS was Lou Gehrig and the disease bears his name here in the USA. But there are many more, including a couple of heroes of mine, Stephen Hawking and Leadbelly.
Back in 2004 when I was going through some very strange neurological problems that had too much in common with early ALS for my liking or comfort, I started reading three blogs written by people with ALS (PALS). I came across them in my web research. Well, here it is 2008 and the second of the three has just died. I don't know his name, and I didn't see his face until today, but I read every day about his trials so I feel like I knew him. He was intelligent and sharp-witted, and he loved his family. I will miss reading his blog and knowing that he is out there.
So, goodbye Brainhell. I wish I had known you.
Brainhell's last words were:
"It's been fun."
A post on his blog today read:
"ok i'm dead. so what? i partook of much wonder and beauty. you should be so lucky!"
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