My good and very busy friend Ingrid has taken on a new hobby: baking bread. Or as she says, baking "yeast bread". This is to distinguish her home-made-from-scratch bread from the not-so-yeasty breads like naan and pita, but it also reminds me of how Z used to say "I'd like some cow's milk please" as if to make sure I didn't inadvertently give him a nice big foamy glass of pungent yak milk.
I grew up next to a baker, so I know a little about what real bread tastes like, and it's wonderful (as opposed to Wonder). Mr. Rosen would bring us home fresh Kaiser rolls or caraway rye or challah almost every day, and it was the best thing since...well, it wasn't sliced, but you get the idea.
I only wished Ingrid lived within bread-making distance of us, because I would gladly help her eat any leftovers. Even if she Fed-Ex'd me a loaf, it would be day-old by the time I got it, not ideal. I think we might have to relocate to Minnesota...
Or at least go for a bread tasting weekend!
Actually, I used "yeast breads" to differentiate from quick breads, which are also a hobby of mine. You know, banana, zucchini, apple, cranberry walnut, pumpkin, etc. I even make a sandwich-worthy honey oatmeal quick bread.
Please come on a bread tasting weekend!
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