I generate a tremendous amount of data in the course of a day. Between a large music collection and tens of thousands of photographs in the RAW format, I go through hard drives like sour cream & onion chips at a Superbowl party. And remember, since I backup religiously, everything is TIMES TWO.
On-computer storage is out for me, the built-in drive is too small and it's easier to back up data on big external drives. In order to keep track of all my hard drives I have taken to giving them names based on color. There is the internal laptop drive, Green Fairy. My pocket drive for photo shoots is called White Dwarf. The big externals are Blue Whale, Black Hole, and Orange Julius. One of the big advantages of the Mac...if I was on PC my drives would be called C:\, D:\, E:\, F:\, and G:\, and their designations would change every time I plugged them in.
Anyhow, the point of all this is that I have a major data crisis looming because Black Hole and Blue Whale have both eaten their fill. This is bad. It means I cannot take any more pictures until I get some new storage. TIMES TWO, of course. But I can't just stop taking pictures...there are too many cute mammals in my life. So the pictures are accumulating rapidly on my camera's CF cards. According to my best calculations, this whole mess is going to explode sometime around 6:23PM on Thursday, plus or minus 11 seconds.
Wish me luck.
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