Saturday, June 16, 2007

Fool Heads Were Being Barked Off

Our new neighbors behind us have at least three dogs. A ruckus of king-sized proportions broke out the other day when Coco and Jake first saw them. Coco charged the interloping pack so hard she ran right through the fence! There was a brief moment of extreme confusion as she wondered how she ended up in enemy territory. I decided to use that interlude to get Coco back onto her native soil.

Yesterday the dogs were firmly in "Phase Two" of their relationships: sniffing through the fence, tails wagging, with short bursts of barking to enforce boundaries.

Hopefully soon the yardscape will return to normal, and doggie society will reach equilibrium again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, send me a postcard from that fantasy realm. Expect a worn down path along the fence line, with muddy dogs on rainy days.